30 December 2007

When Too Much Potter is Never Enough

One of the great things about reading the entire Harry Potter series was being able to read what everyone else thought without fear of spoilers. While touring the blogosphere I came across these fun things:

Courtesy of Stephanie:

i'm in ravenclaw!
be sorted @ nimbo.net

I knew it! I was sure that if I were at Hogwarts the Sorting Hat would put me in Ravenclaw, and here’s the proof :-). But I don’t know how well I’d do with those pass-questions to get in and out of the common room.

The Harry Potter Personality Quiz: which character would you be?
I can’t put up the image for this one, as the accompanying text contains a major spoiler, which is something I’ve tried to avoid. But I can say ... Snape! Snape? I have no fascination with the dark side, and my miserable high school days involved more friends and better hair. On the other hand ... bitterness, intelligence, pride, a life where nothing ever seems to go right ... that I can relate to. Plus if cooking ability is anything to go by I’d be a dab hand at Potions.

Dewey started a Deathly Hallows blog, with a link to an article containing more information about what happened after, for those whom the epilogue left wanting more.

Finally, the Harry Potter Lexicon contains everything you could ever want to know and then some, including an amusing (to me, at least) British-to-American translation guide - in the Help section!

And completely off the topic: can you solve this?

1 comment:

  1. I am a Gryffindor, even though when it asked what I thought, I said Ravenclaw. But what always puzzled me is why Hermione wasn't in Ravenclaw.


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