23 January 2009

Blog Improvement Project: Task 2

Blog Improvement Project

The second task in the Blog Improvement Project is all about one of the most important things in any blog: CONTENT.

Part One involves reading through the articles linked to in the original post and acquiring some strategies for coming up with ideas. This isn’t overly relevant to me; if I want to create more posts, I have only to read more and participate more. That being said, I like the idea of devising a snappy title and proceeding from there. I think that will be a help when I do non-review posts.

I’m not sure yet what such posts might be, but I will very soon be starting a series relating to one of my 101 Things: Reading the entire Bible. Not out of any religious conviction - I’m a born sceptic - but so that I can say that I have done it and know what I’m rejecting, and to better understand the references to it that often appear in novels, particularly older ones. (Confession time: I still have only a vague notion of just what happened on the road to Damascus. Or who it happened to.) I’m undecided as yet whether I’ll do fortnightly updates, monthly updates, or hallelujah-I-finished-another-book updates, but I am determined to embark on the project with an open mind.


  1. I think the word of the week is a GREAT idea! I love words, too!

  2. I just love your word-in-a-week idea!

  3. Sounds like a good idea. I look forward to participating!

  4. Your apostrophes are coming out as "&#146" through my feed reader (google reader). Just thought you might like to know!

  5. I'm trying to read the whole Bible this year too. I've tried several times, but I found out that reading it from cover to cover doesn't work for me. I found a reading plan that takes four chunks of scripture a day from four different places in the Bible, which I found to be much easier. I've been a church kid all my life, and reading the Bible like this is really refreshing. Good luck to you!

  6. Elizabeth, Dorte, Cathy, Suey: Thank you! The first WotW will go up on Saturday night.

    Christine: Thanks for letting me know - I've now stopped using that particular piece of HTML.

    Bookworm: Good luck to you, too! It does seem like a daunting task, but I plan to divide it up into just a few chapters a day and get a routine going.

  7. I'm a little behind in my blog reading, but yes! I love the idea of a word a week.

  8. That's a fantastic idea! It also encourages everyone to check in on each other too! Wonderful!

  9. Word of the week sounds awesome -- I've loved seeing all of the new features too!

    Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness)


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Header image shows detail of A Young Girl Reading by Jean-Honoré Fragonard, c. 1776