01 March 2008

Friday Fill-In #61

Friday Fill-In

1. I’m looking forward to finishing the first of my Chunkster Challenge reads next week. (I hope.)

2. I don’t handle other people very well.

3. Mango is something I could eat every day.

4. Warmth and sunlight have been lacking this summer.

5. Challenge overload here I come! (I’m seriously considering the Novella Challenge)

6. I am far too much of a coward ever to get a tattoo.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to launching my new template, tomorrow my plans include catching up on reviews (what else?) and Sunday, I want to do more of the same (I’ll need it)!


  1. I love your new template. The picture is gorgeous!

  2. I have only ever had mango once in my life, can you believe it? And I really liked it so there is no excuse. Have a great weekend!

  3. Lisa: Thank you!

    Literary Feline: You poor deprived thing! :-)


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Header image shows detail of A Young Girl Reading by Jean-Honoré Fragonard, c. 1776