24 July 2009

The Cheat’s Way Out

When I composed my 101 Things in 1001 Days list, I deliberately included a mix of easy, challenging, and wildly optimistic. I did think that #7 - reading the entire Bible - would be somewhere in the middle, but I was wrong. So wrong. After struggling through five and a bit books I let it lapse, and realised that I was really much happier without the prospect of four chapters to be read each evening. Unfortunately a vague endnote in Jane Eyre (explaining that a biblical allusion was to “the famous parable” - so famous I’ve never heard of it) reminded me of the whole point of adding that task to the list.

So if you want to be able to get references to the Bible, without actually reading it, what do you do?

If you’re me, you hit Google and find this: The Brick Testament. All the highlights, illustrated ... with Lego.

Sure it’s cheating - but at least it’s fun.


  1. That is so funny! Thanks for sharing the link! BTW-I did read the whole Bible (twice!) and I still don't get a lot of literary references, so no need to feel bad. :-)


  2. If you fancy something a little off-the-path for your 'read a history of the War Of The Roses' goal I can recommend Blood and Roses by Helen Castor - it's the story of the Paston family told through their own letters. They lived through the war and the letters/commentary give a great feel for the times and the personal circumstances.


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Header image shows detail of A Young Girl Reading by Jean-Honoré Fragonard, c. 1776