31 May 2007

Booking Through Thursday: Paper or Plastic?

Do you read e-Books?
If so, how? On your computer, or a PDA?
Or are you a paper purist? Why?
Paper. I love browsing libraries, bookshops, and Bookfests. I love the sound of pages turning and the sight of my favourites lined up on the shelves. I love being able to mark my place easily and to flip back through the pages without losing my spot (even if paper books do require bookmarks; I’m always losing them). And I really love being able to read anywhere, anytime. I know that a PDA makes ebooks portable, but I can’t afford one so if I was to read ebooks I’d have to do it sitting in front of my PC; uncomfortable, inconvenient and without a decent view of the tv. But even with a PDA, I’d probably still stick to paper.


  1. PDA's are, indeed, expensive. Think of the books you could buy with that money...

  2. I'm thinking . . . :-)

  3. Same. I find I spend so much time on the computer anyway that it's good not to look at a screen for a change. .

  4. One of the reason I don't think I would be willing to invest in an e-reader now is because of my huge TBR collection. Maybe in 20 years I'll consider getting one . . . :-)

  5. Me, too. Paper girl, all the way. I don't know how I manage to sit still to read blog entries.

  6. I'll never buy an e-reader if I wait for my TBR pile to empty - it's developed the power of self-replication. (That's my excuse for the overflowing box on the bottom shelf, and I'm sticking to it!)

  7. I never even thought about that flipping back and forth thing... even though I do it all the time! You're right! I feel pretty much the same way.


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Header image shows detail of A Young Girl Reading by Jean-Honoré Fragonard, c. 1776