24 May 2007

Page 161

Dancin’ Fool has tagged me for another of the memes that has been doing the rounds lately:

Grab the book that is nearest to you (no cheating), turn to page 161, post the text of the fifth full sentence on the page, post the rules and tag three people.
From Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell I got Sir Walter regarded this lapse into silence and indifference as highly alarming.

Hmm ... intriguing, I suppose! I’m going to tag HeidiJane at Adventures in Bookland, Sarah at Book Buff in Oz, and Tanabata at In Spring it is the Dawn.


  1. I have an old book written in Finnish - which is one of the two languages my mother grew up speaking. Her parents came from Finland, so the household spoke both.

    I was always asking her why she didn't pass the language onto us when we were kids. Her response was always 'teaching six kids English was hard enough'.

    Can't argue with that, but I still wish I could speak it.


  2. Well, I obviously posted this in the wrong place. Sorry about that...

  3. Just saw that you tagged me. I'm off to bed now but will do it tomorrow. :)


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Header image shows detail of A Young Girl Reading by Jean-Honoré Fragonard, c. 1776